The UrbanVino Podcast

Experience the Little Luxuries of Life

Episode Summary

On this episode of the I am Jena Podcast, guest host Chris Decker explores what motivates Jena and her love for wine and fashion. She shares that, being a single mom, she learned to embrace the little luxuries in life and her mission is to bring this experience to others too. For Jena, it all comes together when you pair your mood with your fashion with your wine. These experiences provide fulfillment and Jena stresses that luxury does not always have to be expensive either. When you care for your mood, you get to slow down and appreciate the smaller things in life that make it all worthwhile

Episode Notes



Jena: "Maybe you can't afford to buy the whole bottle of Dom or your favorite champagne to celebrate, but you can buy a glass, and that's okay too. So just go ahead and have little luxuries in life. Just one glass at a time."

Jena: "Mood is such an internal vibe. There's a difference between when I've got my girls together and we're going to celebrate somebody's birthday or somebody got engaged or a promotion at work, we're going to drink a certain wine. We're going to celebrate."

Jena: "If it's about what you're enjoying for yourself, nobody is going to look at that price tag. Nobody's going to judge you. I always say always drink what you love and don't feel judged, don't feel bad about it. Somebody produced that with you in mind."

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